Lord of the Chirls: Return of the Chirls

Welcome back to the new, improved, badder-ass blog.chirls.com! Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been away for a bit. Wondering why? Well, no excuses here. Just none of your damn business. But I’m not that blog-abandoning lame-o you faithless layabouts took me for. Like Famke Janssen, I’ve risen from the ashes of time…or something.

Much has happened since the last update, but none of it to me. But, we’re finally at the beginning of another Summer of Chirls. This is gonna be the good one, for sure. Oh, and keep an eye out for the waffle project. Good stuff.

In celebration of my triumphant return, the technical staff here at blog.chirls.com spent the last couple of weeks upgrading the system. The comment interface is a little different, so that spammers will now have an easier time posting their ads on my website. And there’s some calendar thingy over on the right that looks pretty neat. I wonder what that does. Looks cool, anyway. You may notice I’ve trimmed the links a bit. Turns out I’m not the only one who’s been on hiatus, and some people (ahem) haven’t been so good at linking back.

So let’s see if we can’t get this thing going again. I’ve got some fun new toys to play with, and hopefully you’ll see some of them up here. Thanks for reading.